
时间:2019年04月08日信息来源:方管厂家 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

本周全国方管市场价格走势以涨为主,其中华东、华南、华北、东北地区涨势比较均衡,涨幅在30-80元/吨不等,而西南地区涨幅较大,幅度在 50-100元/吨。下面具体来看:周初开市,全国方管市场涨跌稳并存,幅度在10-60元/吨,关联期卷持红上扬,提振市场心态,商家坚挺出货操作,但 首日运行13%新税率的商家则高位回落,然下游补货心理趋强,交投氛围尚可,进入周中,全国方管市场稳中偏强,幅度在10-60元/吨,期卷高开高走,现 货市场信心向好,商家上调报价操作,但终端心态平稳,多按需采买,低位成交情况尚可,临近周末,全国方管市场偏强整理,幅度在10-40元/吨,期卷持续 利好,但临近清明小长假,商家操作情绪不高,多选择挺价观望,然中间商拿货放缓,整体成交氛围表现一般。
This week, the price trend of the national square tube market is mainly rising. The rising trend in East, South, North and Northeast China is relatively balanced, ranging from 30-80 yuan/ton to 50-100 yuan/ton in Southwest China. The following specific points are as follows: at the beginning of the week, the rise and fall of the national square management market coexisted steadily, ranging from 10-60 yuan/ton, the correlation period rose sharply, boosting the market mentality and firming the operation of shipment, but on the first day, the businessmen with 13% new tax rate fell back at a high level. However, the downstream replenishment mentality became stronger and the delivery atmosphere was still acceptable. In the middle of the week, the national square management market was stable and strong, ranging from 10-60 yuan/ton. In the near weekend, the national square management market is relatively strong, ranging from 10 to 40 yuan/ton, and the period paper continues to be profitable, but in the near future, the business is not in a good mood for operation, so they often choose to wait and see at a good price. However, as the middleman picks up the goods slowly. The atmosphere of business is general.
本周沪热卷主力1905开盘价3748,最高价3849,最低价3728,收盘价3846, 涨105,涨幅2.81%,成交1240902手。
This week, Shanghai hot coil main 1905 opening price 3748, the highest price 3849, the lowest price 3728, the closing price 3846, up 105, an increase of 2.81%, 1240902 hands.

本周热卷期货呈现持续上涨格局,日K线收4连阳。从技术指标来看,日线图K线突破BOLL上轨,KDJ高位钝化,MACD红柱放大;周线图KDJ高位 金叉向上,MACD处于红柱区间。综合考虑,热卷期货各项指标均偏多,但短期有涨幅过大迹象,因此预计下周热卷期货先涨后稳,后半周不乏小幅技术性回调可 能,主要运行区间3800-3900
Hot roll futures continued to rise this week, closing at 4 Lianyang on the K-line. In terms of technical indicators, the K-line breaks through BOLL, KDJ high passivation, MACD red pillar enlargement, and KDJ high gold fork upward, MACD is in the red pillar interval. Considering comprehensively, all the indexes of hot-roll futures are on the high side, but there are signs of excessive increase in the short term. Therefore, it is expected that hot-roll futures will rise first and then stabilize in the next week, and there will be a small technical callback in the second half of the week. The main operating range is 3800-3900.

In the future, April is the traditional peak season of steel consumption, downstream demand, especially infrastructure, will remain high fluctuation. At the same time, the large-scale environmental production restriction of iron and steel in the north will end, and the raw material market is expected to stop falling and rebound. However, the iron and steel town Tangshan and other places will implement environmental production restriction of iron and steel industry in the non-heating season. It is expected that the steel market will play a multi-empty game in April, and the square tube market or shocks will be strong next week.

(作者:方管 编辑:admin)



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