
时间:2019年04月09日信息来源:方管厂家 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

国内方管价格小幅下降。今期螺弱势震荡,盘中唐山小窄带降20元至3780元含税出厂;唐山瑞丰355系列带钢降20元至3680元,唐山主流管厂方管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在3960-4010元,镀锌管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在5280-5330元之间。下游市场,午后唐山昌黎钢坯资源降 30元至3420元,市场情绪波动,在原料钢坯以及期螺持续走弱情况下,贸易商普遍选择以价换量出货为主。综合来看,当前市场回归需求基本面,在地产开工 数据不佳、市场对未来预期悲观的背景下,期货盘面提前做空。在供给上行、需求下行、资金面收紧的共同作用下,预计短期方管价或震荡趋弱。
Domestic tube prices fell slightly. In this period, snail weakness shocks, Tangshan small narrow band in Panzhong decreased by 20 yuan to 3780 yuan including tax; Tangshan Ruifeng 355 series strip steel decreased by 20 yuan to 3680 yuan; Tangshan mainstream pipe factory 4 inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation was 3960-4010 yuan, and galvanized pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory quotation was between 5280-5330 yuan. Downstream market, Tangshan Changli billet resources fell 30 yuan to 3420 yuan in the afternoon, market sentiment fluctuates, in the case of raw steel billets and snails continue to weaken, traders generally choose price-for-volume shipments. Generally speaking, the current market returns to the demand fundamentals. Under the background of poor real estate start-up data and pessimistic market expectations for the future, the futures market is short ahead of schedule. The short-term price fluctuation of welded and plated pipes is expected to weaken under the combined effect of upward supply, downward demand and tightening of funds. 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4248元,所有中心城市报 价均与昨日持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4248 yuan, and the quotations of all central cities are the same as yesterday.
(作者:方管 编辑:admin)



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