
时间:2019年04月09日信息来源:方管厂家 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

国内方管价格小幅稳中上涨。周末,河北地区主流管厂价格降后回涨,今日唐山地区管厂率先涨价,幅度20-30元不等,整体成交尚可,现唐山主流管厂方管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在3960-4030元,镀锌管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在5320-5340元之间,但受期螺震荡走低影响,现货市场情绪 显得较为谨慎。下游市场,目前终端用管需求仍在不断释放中,但仍跟进不足,在走势仍不明朗的情况下,贸易商普遍选择以价换量出货为主。今日华北带钢会议精 神:3月结算355以下3680,360-420为3690,421-450为3720,451以上3730-3760。4月指导355为 3950,420以上4000,承兑加70。综合来看,焊镀管价或窄幅波动为主。
Domestic tube prices rose slightly and steadily. Over the weekend, the prices of mainstream pipe plants in Hebei region rose again after falling. Today, Tangshan pipe plants take the lead in raising prices, ranging from 20 to 30 yuan. The overall turnover is acceptable. The current quotation for 4-inch (3.75 mm) square pipe of mainstream pipe plants in Tangshan ranges from 3960 to 4030 yuan, and the quotation for 4-inch galvanized pipe (3.75 mm) ex-factory ranges from 5320 to 5340 yuan. However, due to the low impact of snail shocks, the spot market sentiment seems more cautious. In the downstream market, the demand for end-use tubes is still releasing, but it is still insufficient to follow up. In the case of uncertain trend, traders generally choose price-for-volume delivery as the main method. The spirit of today's North China Strip Steel Conference: March settlement 355 below 3680, 360-420 for 3690, 421-450 for 3720, 451 above 3730-3760. April guidance 355 is 3950,420 and above 4000, acceptance plus 70. Generally speaking, the price of welded and plated pipe fluctuates mainly in narrow range. 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4248元,所有中心城市 报价均与上周五持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4248 yuan, and the quotations of all central cities are the same as last Friday.
(作者:方管 编辑:admin)



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