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The market price of Hangzhou square pipe has risen sharply. As of September 6, the guiding price of Hangzhou square pipe volume transaction: Shagang 8-10mm high line is 4050 yuan, 60 yuan higher than the same period last week, Zhongtian 12mm third-grade thread steel is 3860 yuan, 70 yuan higher than the same period last week; Zhongtian 25mm third-grade screw steel is 3700 yuan, 70 yuan higher than the same period. Yonggang 8-10mm three-stage snail is 4050 yuan, up 60 yuan over the same period. On Monday, snails rebounded and market turnover improved. Square tube manufacturers began to rise tentatively. The trading performance was not bad. Square tube manufacturers'confidence was once again encouraged and their quotations continued to rise. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the news of production restriction was released intensively. Billets and snails continued to oscillate upwards. However, after rising prices, the turnover was relatively cold and the square tube manufacturers slowed down their upward regulation. On Thursday, with the weather clearing up, the volume of turnover, prices maintained a slight upward trend. On Friday, with futures turning downwards, The spot market has lost its strong support, prices have gone down and transactions have fallen back. 消息面,本周唐山环保限产文件密集发布,武安、迁安、丰南相继公布九月停限产方案,制定了各钢企停限产措施,限产力度相较八月相比有所加强,中美 贸易战方面也传出利好消息,将与美国继续磋商,5日商务部发言:认为应该讨论的问题是取消对5500亿美元中国商品进一步加征关税,防止贸易战继续升级。 中方正就此与美方进行严正交涉。接下来金融委再发声!6天3次重磅会议,加大逆周期调节力度,下大力气疏通货币政策传导机制,加强金融与财政政策配合。宏 观层面整体趋向利好。

News, this week Tangshan environmental protection production restriction documents were issued intensively, Wu'an, Qian'an and Fengnan announced the September production restriction plan successively, formulated various steel enterprises production restriction measures, the capacity of production restriction has been strengthened compared with August, the Sino-US trade war has also spread good news, will continue to consult with the United States, 5, the Ministry of Commerce said: The issue to be discussed is to abolish further tariffs on 550 billion US dollars of Chinese goods and prevent the escalation of the trade war. China is making rigorous representations with the United States in this regard. Next, the Finance Committee will make another announcement. At three heavy meetings in six days, we will intensify counter-cyclical adjustment, make great efforts to dredge the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and strengthen the coordination of financial and fiscal policies. At the macro level, the overall trend is good.


Inventory: Hangzhou square pipe inventory 782,000 tons this week: 173,000 tons lower than the previous overall inventory: wire rod 359,000 tons, rebar 744,300 tons


Raw materials: 6 pm Tangshan, Changli billet resources stable, now ordinary carbon billet with tax 3380. It is 80% higher than the same period last week.

总体来看,虽然环保和宏观利好带来了一定的市场热度和降低了一定的库存压力,不过目前唐山限产虽在趋严,但限产力度仍不及市场预期,而随着钢厂利 润回升,钢厂主动限产意愿不强,库存总量仍然偏大。再加上中美贸易谈判仍有不确定性,预计下周杭州方管市场价格或弱势震荡运行。

Overall, although environmental protection and macro-economic benefits have brought about certain market heat and reduced inventory pressure, Tangshan's current production restriction is getting stricter, but the capacity of production restriction is still less than market expectations. With the rebound of steel mill profits, the willingness of steel mill to actively limit production is not strong, and the total inventory is still on the high side. In addition, uncertainties remain in the Sino-US trade negotiations, and it is expected that next week Hangzhou will be in charge of market prices or weak shocks.

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