Tangshan Fangguan's price rose 10% steadily. At present, the raw material side still has a strong supporting effect on the market. The possibility of large-scale production reduction of steel enterprises at the demand side is small, and the profit is relatively optimistic. The demand for raw material procurement is still there, and the possibility of deep price drop in the later period is not likely. However, the billet support is still stable, and after the secondary warning of environmental protection control, the policy is released again. However, the terminal demand is difficult to continue to release, and the square tube manufacturers are confused about the future trend. It is expected that in the short term, the market will tend to stabilize in a narrow range.
In terms of price management, as of the time of publication, Jiao Zhengfeng 5% was stable; Cao Ruixing 8-14% was up 10%; gongxiangtai 14% was up 10%.
唐山镀锌方管价格延续大涨厂家限量出货较多方管 唐山镀锌方管市场价格延续大涨,市场方面,唐山方管价格连续三天大涨累计280元,大幅提振市场心态,今期货热卷开盘涨停,市场惯性拉涨氛围浓郁,方管厂家限量出货较多,1000吨以下多跟高价 4700,1000吨以上4680,边卖边涨,部分惜售封库,方管厂家方面,今唐钢指导价4680,锰板4880较上周涨410,方管厂家市场投放… 唐山镀锌方管价格宽幅上调厂家补库意愿也不强方管 唐山镀锌方管市场价格宽幅上调,成交平淡。今日开盘,10日唐山方坯:昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持涨20元后价报3660元/吨,含税出厂。10日唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610/585-550报4350涨50,355-345、305-295报4300涨60,含税。唐山285-355系带钢市场坚挺,瑞丰 3980宏兴3980安丰/唐银/津西/盛丰/兆丰/金马… 唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格持稳运行厂家出货一般方管 唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格持稳运行,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(HX)及唐山本地钢厂普碳方坯稳报3580元/吨,含税出厂;唐山瑞丰方管出 厂:635-610报4150稳,355-345、320-315报4110涨10,含税。唐山285-355系方管市场整理,瑞丰3785宏兴3740 安丰/唐银/津西/盛丰/兆丰/金马/宝泰/宏兴/东海现货3730-3765(…