唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格强势上调,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持累涨20元后价报3620元/吨,含税出厂;唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4280涨80,360-355、295-290/325-320报4220涨50,含税。唐山285-355系带钢市场偏强,瑞丰 3890宏兴3880安丰/唐银/津西/盛丰/兆丰/金马/宝泰/宏兴/东海现货3860-3890(主流3875),期货3800-3875左右,现货 主流含税价4210-4140。原料端接连强势拉涨,管厂顺势上涨,市场成交表现平淡,方管厂家对于高价资源接受程度不断降低,持观望心态,考虑原料端支撑强 劲,且本地环保限产再次来袭,市场挺价上涨意愿明显,预计后市唐山方管价格高位调整。
Tangshan market galvanized square tube market price strong upward, transaction general. At the opening of today's trading, Changli (HX) and Tangshan Local square tube manufacturer's ordinary carbon billet increased by 20 yuan, then the price was 3620 yuan / ton, including tax; Tangshan Ruifeng steel strip factory: 635-610, 4280, 80360-355, 295-290 / 325-320, 4220, up 50 yuan, including tax. Tangshan 285-355 steel strip market is relatively strong, Ruifeng 3890, Hongxing 3880, Anfeng / Tangyin / Jinxi / Shengfeng / Zhaofeng / Jinma / Baotai / Hongxing / Donghai spot 3860-3890 (mainstream 3875), futures 3800-3875, spot mainstream price including tax 4210-4140. The raw material side continued to pull up strongly, and the pipe factory rose along with the trend, and the market transaction performance was flat. The square tube manufacturers' acceptance of high price resources continued to decline, and they held a wait-and-see attitude. Considering the strong support of the raw material end and the re attack of local environmental protection and production restriction, the market support price was obviously willing to rise, and the future Tangshan Fangguan price was expected to be adjusted at a high level.
In terms of price management, the price of Tangshan Youfa 4-inch 3.75 is 4360 yuan / ton, that of Tangshan Jinghua 4-inch 3.75 is 4440 yuan / ton, and that of Tangshan Zhengda is 4430 yuan / ton.
唐山镀锌方管市场价格高位盘整厂家拉涨意愿强方管 唐山镀锌方管价格高位松动,市场方面,热轧下游产业数据使得消费可期加之高原料成本面的支撑,方管厂家拉涨意愿强,热卷期货主力连续第四日攀升。昨天尾盘唐山市场补涨了30元,下游接受度较差,市场交投 陷入停滞,加之今天螺纹盘中震荡回落,唐山开平板多次高位下调。另外唐山今天迎来降雨天气,午间12时重污染相… 唐山镀锌方管价格或维稳运行厂家年前调整价格意愿不大方管 今日唐山地区民用镀锌方管价格基本暂稳。热卷黑色系期货震荡运行,热卷原料价格暂稳运行。据方管厂家反馈,临近春节,目前下游客户基本已经放假,市场成交降至最低。方管厂家年前调整价格意愿不大,多跟随市场行情盘整运行,部分方管厂家仍以落实出货为主。方管厂家方面,鞍钢出台3月份期货价格政策,镀锌板、彩涂… 唐山镀锌方管价格先抑后扬厂家成交明显好转方管 本周唐山镀锌方管价格先抑后扬。热卷黑色系期货前几日弱势运行,今日有所反弹。反映到市场上,华北地区民营方管厂家涨跌跟随期卷脚步进行,国营方管厂家镀锌价格累跌100-350元/吨,成交方面,市场气氛低迷,虽然价格下调,但降后成交表现并无改善。主要是由于近期国内零星疫情出现,加之本周寒潮天气来袭,部分工地…