今日重庆镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:期货方面,高位震荡上行,4040收盘,涨幅2.38%;现货方面小幅上涨,成交放缓;受期货影响,方管厂家方面纷纷上调出厂价格,据了解,永航厂 上调40元。但是下游成交放缓,终端对高价位资源接受度偏低。市场方面交投一般,询价气氛尚可,短期内现货库存处在低位。预计明日重庆市场镀锌方管价格或 趋强调整。
Today, the market price of galvanized square pipe in Chongqing has risen slightly. Local market: in terms of futures, the high level fluctuated upward, and 4040 closed, with an increase of 2.38%; the spot market rose slightly, and the transaction slowed down; affected by the futures, the manufacturers in charge of management raised the ex factory prices one after another, and it is understood that Yonghang factory increased by 40 yuan. However, the downstream transaction slows down, and the terminal's acceptance of high price resources is low. On the market side, trading is general, the atmosphere of inquiry is OK, and the spot stock is at a low level in the short term. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Chongqing market will be stronger tomorrow.
方管价格方面,现重钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4200元/吨,持稳,达钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4210元/吨,持稳;三级抗震镀锌方管方面,重钢产 Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4120元/吨,较昨日涨40;达钢产Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4130元/吨,较昨日涨40;龙钢产 Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4180元/吨,持稳;龙钢产三级抗震Φ8-10mm方管市场价格为4310元/吨,持稳。
In terms of square tube price, the current market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4200 yuan / ton, which is stable; the market price of Φ 8-10 mm galvanized square pipe produced by Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4210 yuan / ton, which is stable; the market price of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe produced by Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4120 yuan / ton, up 40% compared with yesterday; the market price of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe produced by Dasco is 4130 yuan / ton, up 40% compared with yesterday The market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire rod is 4180 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of Φ 8-10 mm square tube produced by Longgang is 4310 yuan / ton, which is stable.
上海镀锌方管主流价格或高位盘整厂家拉涨意愿明显方管 上海镀锌方管价格宽幅上行,市场方面,期螺2101震荡走强收3929,涨51,涨幅1.32%。唐山钢坯涨 30报3620元/吨含税出厂。今上海镀锌方管宽幅上行,主流规格价格在4210-4220元/吨。经了解得知,期货大幅高走,提振市场心态,方管厂家拉涨意愿明 显,但终端高位采买观望,低位资源成交走量。库存方面:本周上海同口径库… 上海镀锌方管价格暂稳趋势运行厂家选择观望价格走势方管 本周上海镀锌方管价格暂稳趋势运行,周初从价格方面来看,热卷期货价格持续上涨,市场价格保持平稳不动。下游采购需求较弱,镀锌方管价格依旧处于高位,下游方管厂家选择观望价格走势,成交面表现一般。据方管厂家反映,现上海镀锌方管市场目前库存较少,价格维持高位,方管厂家不愿过多订货,心态较为一般。This … 上海方管价格将保持暂稳运行趋势厂家整体成交一般方管 本周上海方管价格小幅下调运行,周初从价格方面来看,热卷期货价格出现泛红,但现货市场价格持续下跌趋势。据方管厂家反映,周初新资源逐渐陆续到货,堪比前期缺货情况小幅好转。但市场成交面较为清淡,大户出货在700吨左右,目前部分方管厂家都已有放假情况,下游需求较为薄弱。 周中,上海冷轧现货价格出现上…