








北京方管价格偏强运行厂家拿货心态较为谨慎北京镀锌方管价格或继续上涨厂家成交稍有放缓 本周北京方管市场价格大幅上扬。价格方面:截至12月18日,北京市场津西产200*200H型钢价格为4020元,较上周市场价格涨120元;唐山产25#工字钢价格为4390元,较上周市场价格涨250元;唐山产16#方管价格为43… 北京镀锌方管市场价格小幅上扬厂家出价继续上扬北京镀锌方管价格或继续上涨厂家成交稍有放缓今天北京镀锌方管市场价格小幅上扬。期螺方面:午后延续高位震荡走势,临收盘前半小时再次上演多头减仓盘面下行而后空头平仓反弹的现象;现货方面今日大户出价继续上扬,整体因资源不足成交一 般个别旺盛;…

今天北京镀锌方管市场价格继续上扬。期螺方面:午后延续震荡向上走势,临收盘钱半小时多头开始减仓下行,比高点回落40点左右,但涨幅仍将近百点;现货方面,大户成交情况整体延续良好状态, 资源短缺现象逐步突出;今日大户出价开盘普涨20元,低价资源成交旺盛陆续有封库停售,午后大户纷纷再次追涨20元左右,成交稍有放缓;原料方面唐山部分 普方坯涨20元,方管出厂报3660元;10日,北京镀锌方管10家大户出货合计11000吨,较昨日续增1000多吨。方管期螺继续走强,预计明日北京镀锌方管价格或继续上涨。

Today, the market price of galvanized square pipe in Beijing continues to rise. Futures: in the afternoon, the market continued to fluctuate upward, and long positions began to reduce in half an hour before the closing date, about 40 points lower than the high point, but the increase was still nearly 100 points; in terms of spot trading, the overall trading situation of large investors continued to be in a good state, The shortage of resources is becoming more and more serious. Today, the opening price of large-scale enterprises rose by 20 yuan, and the low-price resource transactions were brisk. In the afternoon, large-scale enterprises pursued the price of about 20 yuan again, and the transaction was slightly slowed down. In terms of raw materials, some ordinary square billets in Tangshan rose by 20 yuan, and the square tube factory report was 3660 yuan. On the 10th, 10 large enterprises of galvanized square tubes in Beijing delivered a total of 11000 tons, increasing by more than 1000 tons compared with yesterday. It is expected that the price of galvanized square pipe in Beijing will continue to rise tomorrow.

方管价格方面,北京市场螺纹钢、高线沙龙批量成交指导价格:河钢产300Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4450元,较昨日持平;三级E标螺纹钢方面,河钢产Φ12mm 螺纹钢市场价格为4110元,较昨日涨20元,河钢产Φ22mm螺纹钢市场价格为3830元,较昨日涨40元;河钢产Φ8mm方管市场价格为4110元, 较昨涨20元。

In terms of square tube price, the guiding price for batch transaction of rebar and high-speed wire salon in Beijing market: the market price of 300 Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Hegang was 4450 yuan, which was the same as yesterday; in terms of grade III e-standard rebar, Hegang produced Φ 12mm The market price of rebar was 4110 yuan, 20 yuan higher than yesterday, the market price of Φ 22mm rebar produced by Hegang was 3830 yuan, up 40 yuan compared with yesterday; the market price of Φ 8mm square pipe produced by Hegang was 4110 yuan, up 20 yuan compared with yesterday.

北京镀锌方管价格弱势调整厂家并无囤货意愿方管 今日北京镀锌方管市场价格趋弱。今日开市,唐山市场普跌30-50元不等,本地商户跟随报价,低价资源成交较昨日稍有好转,近期天气转冷,方管厂家表示需求也会逐渐缩减,而近期市场也进入回 调阶段,方管厂家并无囤货意愿,明日主导方管厂家鞍山宝得出厂价格下调50元,本地以直发为主将会继续跟跌。预计明日北京镀锌方… 北京方管市场价格趋弱运行厂家有惜售心态方管 本周北京方管市场价格偏强运行。价格方面:截至12月25日,北京市场津西产200*200H型钢价格为4480元,较上周市场价格涨460元;唐山产25#矩形管价格为4410元,较上周市场价格涨20元;唐山产16#槽钢价格为4350元,较上周市场价格涨50元,唐山产5#方管价格为4410元,较上周市场价格涨120元。(以上唐山资源价格均为过磅… 北京镀锌方管报价稳中上涨厂家出台政策刺激成交方管 今日北京地区镀锌方管报价稳中上涨。节后管厂上调价格已达400-500元,北京地区开市相对较晚,价格跟涨滞后,节后上涨幅度300-350元。临近2月底,本地个别方管厂家仍未完成2月份协议量,观望方管厂家是否出台政策刺激成交。市场成交方面,正月十五之前,传统的“年”尚未过完,因此个别方管厂家以及终端工地尚未开工…
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