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本周中南地区方管市场价格震荡下行,本周初,部分小窄带厂完成检修计划开始复产,小窄带供给压力有所加大;另期螺主力连跌两天,市场悲观情绪加重,钢坯两天累跌30元至3540元; 周中期螺止跌企稳,钢坯回涨20元至3560元;周后期,中钢协统计数据显示,“2019年7月上旬,重点钢企粗钢日均产量201.36万吨,旬环比减少 1.31万吨,环比下降0.65%。截至2019年7月上旬末,重点钢铁企业钢材库存量为1230.94万吨,旬环比增加108.73万吨,环比增加 9.69%”,期螺冲高回落跌破3600关口。本周唐山部分钢企复产,据兰格网本周钢坯库存调查显示:9日唐山主要仓库钢坯库存约26.2万吨,较上周 (26日)降2.8万吨,两大主流仓库双双降库。

The price of square pipe market in central and southern China fell sharply this week. At the beginning of this week, some small narrow-band factories completed the maintenance plan and began to resume production, and the supply pressure of small narrow-band increased. In another period, the main snail fell for two days, the market pessimism increased, and the billet fell 30 yuan to 3540 yuan in two days. In the middle of the week, the snail stopped falling and stabilized, and the billet rose 20 yuan to 3560 yuan. Later in the week, the statistics of China Steel Association showed that in the first ten days of July 2019, crude steel output of key steel enterprises averaged 201.36 million tons per day, 13.1 million tons per annum and 0.65% per annum. By the end of the first ten days of July 2019, steel stocks in key iron and steel enterprises were 12.3094 million tons, 10.873 million tons and 9.69% more than the previous ten-year cycle, respectively, and the period snails fell back to break through the 3600 pass. Some steel enterprises in Tangshan resumed production this week. According to the survey of billet stocks conducted by Langer Net this week, billet stocks in the main warehouses of Tangshan on September 9 were about 262,000 tons, down 28,000 tons from last week (26 days), and the two main warehouses were both lowered. 本周天津唐山邯郸主要管厂统计:厂内原料带钢库存31.22万吨,比上周同期增1.85万吨;焊管库存8.33万吨,比上周降0.26万吨;镀锌 管库存17.93万吨,比上周同期增3.16万吨;日均成交量4.61万吨,比上周同期降0.15万吨。立秋之后天气将逐步转凉,或有利于下游工地需求的 复苏,但是否会迎来金九银十提前赶工的需求释放,仍待观察。而供给端市场盛传“国庆阅兵提前一个月限产”,虽有待验证,但反应出市场盼涨心理,预计下周中南地区方管市场价格窄幅震荡。

This week, Tianjin Tangshan Handan main pipe factory statistics: the factory stock of raw material strip steel 312,200 tons, an increase of 18,500 tons over the same period last week; welded pipe inventory 83,300 tons, a decrease of 0.26 million tons over the same period last week; galvanized pipe inventory 179,300 tons, an increase of 31,600 tons over the same period last week; daily average turnover of 46,100 tons, a decrease of 0.15 million tons over the same period last week. After autumn, the weather will gradually cool down, or be conducive to the recovery of demand for downstream construction sites, but whether it will usher in the release of demand for gold, silver and ten early rush workers remains to be seen. While the supply-side market is rumoured to be "one month ahead of the National Day parade", which needs to be verified, it reflects the market's desire to rise. It is expected that the central and southern regions will control the narrow fluctuation of market prices next week.

价格方面:现郑州本地4寸(3.75)方管 均价4840元(过磅价,下同),较上周降30元;武汉4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为4860元,较上周降100元;长沙4寸(3.75mm)方管 均价5230元,与上周持平;广州4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5512元,较上周降30元;南宁4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为4880元,与上 周持平;海口4寸(3.75mm)方管均价为5395元,较上周降30元。

Price: Zhengzhou local 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 4840 yuan (weighing price, the same below), 30 yuan lower than last week; Wuhan 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 4860 yuan, 100 yuan lower than last week; Changsha 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 5230 yuan, the same as last week; Guangzhou 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube average price 5512 yuan, 30 yuan lower than last week; Nanning 4-inch square tube average price (3.75mm) square pipe average price is 4880 yuan, which is the same as last week; Haikou 4 inch (3.75mm) square pipe average price is 5395 yuan, which is 30 yuan lower than last week.

辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.qqhanguan.com/show.asp?id=458


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